Andrea Jaeger
Andrea Jaeger

Andrea Jaeger started playing tennis professionally when she was just 14 years old. She enjoyed the time she spent on the court succeeding, but she felt compelled to do more. Ms. Jaeger felt a responsibility to give back after years of dominating the tennis world, so she started putting her money where her mouth was right away. She had to decide whether to advance her professional tennis career or assist underprivileged children, and she chose to assist underprivileged children. She began her award-winning ways by donating her tennis winnings. As of right now, Andrea Jaeger has raised more than $135 million for underprivileged children and children with cancer, and she is striving to double that sum.

Humanitarian Profession

Ms. Jaeger has dedicated more than 36 years to making life better for kids with cancer and other kids in need as the founder and president of the Little Star Foundation. The Foundation offers long-term care, financial aid, therapeutic play programs, medical support, education, and outreach care initiatives to children with cancer, their families, and their communities. The Little Star Foundation also offers assistance to kids who are dealing with challenging life situations that are not related to a cancer diagnosis. Children suffering impossibly difficult challenges now have hope thanks to Andrea Jaeger's work in founding Little Star Foundation.

The Little Star Foundation helps those in need and children with cancer in a number of ways, including:

Grants Jeff Crawford: The Jeff Crawford Scholarship, which is given to kids with cancer who have been admitted to recognized colleges and universities, is named in honor of Cindy Crawford's brother.

Eternal Friendship and Happy Holidays:

Andrea Jaeger

Andrea Jaeger

Andrea still competes in Legends Tennis Events, donating all her prize money and asking fellow pro players, tennis fans and audiences worldwide to help match.